This Holiday was joyous!! 10 Months of extra time with my dad, words can not express how awesome this is, when you say good bye to a loved one forever and get extra time it is the greatest blessing one can get. Each one of us never knows the amount of time we are given, you only have this moment and this moment only, so treasure that moment. I count my blessings everyday. This holiday was also a hard one for me, my first without Justin home, 19 years I have had with him to treasure him and love him, this year has been though on me, not only did I raise a fine, outspoken, headstrong man, he took steps to be with the person he loves and moved 3000 miles away and as sad as I am for me, I am so happy & proud of him.
I spent the day with my two guys close by my side and one really far away and close to my heart, it was a beautiful day filled with laughter, tears and friends. I have not felt this blessed in a long time on Christmas, the holiday is normally filled with hustle and bustle and stress and this year for some reason it was not, it was complete!!!